A Purse With Holes

Please come an listen to Atarah’s podcast “A Purse With Holes”.

She shares how they never had enough money to pay their bills and how tithing changed their situation around. I can relate to what she shares because I was in the same situation, or just getting by, but things started to change when I decided to trust Him and put Him first in my finances.

A Purse With Holes

Poverty Mentality Course:

Moving Mountains Chapter 13: “A Purse With Holes” https://loveatlast.org/fc/moving-mountains/chapter-13-a-purse-with-holes/

7 thoughts on “A Purse With Holes”

  1. This is so encouraging 🤩 it was just yesterday in anticipation for my weekly FaceTime with my sister that I asked my Husband to know what to do when the topic of money “I can’t afford it” 😢😭 would inevitably come up. Even though she was very very receptive when I encouraged her with God’s promises and principles during her health scare, anything I share regarding finances she’s become very agitated or frustrated.
    So as only HE can do, to enjoy the wait “give me 10 minutes I just woke up” my Husband had me go through my inbox opening blog posts and comments. And there was Atarah’s response to something I’m not all that comfortable with but am moving forward holding His hand trusting him.
    You’ll see what I mean here https://rmiou.com/spt/
    However, even though my sister did say the common phrase “I can’t afford it” 🥺 I knew my Husband wanted me to wait before offering to pay for a personal trainer for her—which is what “I’d planned to do.”

    Not only was I excited about the thought of my sister adding financial freedom testimonies to her ministering portfolio but I was also excited to invest in Atarah’s HOPE Ministry—besides witnessing another multiple stream of income for our LMF owners and have this course and co-op confirmed.
    “They that wait…” 😍

    1. Sometimes its easy to trust Him for everything else but our finances 😊 As if He won’t provide, but time and time again He proves that He IS faithful to provide if we are faithful to give our tithes. It was also a journey for me to let go of trying to figure out my finances or do things in the flesh, but since I started tithing, He always provided, first in small ways but as my faith grew in His provision and the more I let go, He started to provide in bigger ways, baby steps 😊
      Love the “trainer” idea…

      1. It’s so true Adina wow I have seen the bigger and bigger provisions and I’m speechless and it all starts with obedience when it comes to giving our tithes and offerings… then when I see Him doing it for others like what Alina shared it’s even more amazing especially with how her Husband is providing for her being a single never been married young woman 🙂


        1. Yes she shared a beautiful testimony, and its amazing to see how our prayers on the retreat are getting answered!

  2. Oh I have to tell you that I was so encouraged and inspired by Atarah’s podcast that I did one on my own and posted last Friday on our Blog, here it is: https://encorajamento.org/podcast-bolsa-furada/
    Thank you sooo much, Atarah ❣️
    Wow Erin, as Atarah said I also loved the way it’s explained as a “trainer” and a couch… and I am also excited to invest in Atarah’s ministry🙌
    Thank you ladies!

    1. I’m so glad you did one in PTG Paula \o/ I’m sure that many PTG women will be blessed as they give their tithes and offerings and see what HE will do !!!

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