Do You Feel Cornered With No Way Out?

Do you sometimes feel cornered (Chapter 7 “Cornered”), like there is no way out of the situation that you are facing? I've felt like that plenty of times in my life, but only after my journey started and my trails got really absurd, I realized that we go through absurd trails to show His glory and to have testimonies to share with others of our Heavenly Husband's goodness and faithfulness. We go through these trails for His glory, to build our faith and to take us higher.

Since my journey started, I've gone through more financial trails than I care to count, first losing everything after the divorce and then one crisis after another when there seemed to be no money, like when my car's battery had to be replaced. But every time, my Heavenly Husband came through for me in the nick of time and provided, mostly through other people that He led to help me. But He also opened amazing doors for me to be able to earn extra money to supplement what my former husband paid according to the divorce settlement. And when my former husband stopped paying, my Heavenly Husband started to provide more. But it was all because I took the leap of faith to be obedient, to tithe to my storehouse, and to give.

This year was again full of financial trails, but although my flesh wanted to stress, I knew deep down that He would come through for me again, and He did in amazing ways. Last month was a tough one. Having to get through a 5-week month, I had to pay my car's residual value (I did have part of the total amount, but not everything), and there were just other small expenses that had to be covered. I decided to fast from social media for 7 days and spend time with my Heavenly Husband, meditating on His promises, reading His word, and just being with Him. And my Heavenly Husband provided! My children and I had what we needed, and somehow, we got through. I don't know how, but He knows. And that was not the only benefit from fasting from social media; once my fast was over and I opened my social media, I realized that I had lost interest in going on social media!

My HH also worked out my car's residual value for me. My brother was waiting for money for one of the properties he sold. He knew about my upcoming residual value that had to be paid, and just before the due date, he got his money from the property. He offered (without my asking) to lend me the outstanding amount, which I will pay back monthly with NO interest. I was planning to see if I could make a loan at the bank to cover the amount, which would have incurred a lot of interest, but my Heavenly Husband laid it on my brother's heart to help me. When I requested the final amount from the bank, it was less than what I thought it would be; apparently, I paid more every month than what I was supposed to, so the total amount I had to borrow from my brother was less than expected. So now my car is paid off at the bank, and I have a relatively small amount to pay my brother back monthly. My Heavenly Husband provided for me in amazing ways to be able to pay the residual value, but since last year, when I realized the time was getting closer for this to be paid, I just gave it to my HH and trusted that He would make a way for me to pay it.

If you are currently facing absurd trails, please read this lesson; Chapter 7 “Cornered” from the Poverty Mentality

5 thoughts on “Do You Feel Cornered With No Way Out?”

  1. Adina what an AMAZING PRAISE!! \o/ I relate to a lot of what you shared especially the start of this year because I also did not know WHAT I was going to do.. I even started looking for a job out of obedience to my eh but in my heart and in my discussions with my darling Husband I told Him you know I don’t want to work in a secular job, you know I want to continue working for YOU!!! and HE came through is HE not sooooooooo amazing!!! I’m just so excited and praising HIM with you and I’m so very happy for you Adina jumping with joy for ALL He is doing in your life!!

    I agree it all starts with tithing because then we can speak to Him and trust Him in FAITH knowing that His word says that HE WILL open the windows of heaven!!

    Its amazing how He came thru for you with the payment of your car whoooooo hooooo!!! I’m so excited that it’s paid off and thru your brothers sale of his house. How’s that for perfect timing!!?????

    I want to share the Poverty Mentality link because that’s where it all started for me where my mind shifted a lot regarding finances and just having faith

    1. The timing was amazing, and thinking of it, you can see HH hand in it. At one point it seemed like my brother was going to wait longer since the electrician who was supposed to write the electrical certificate of compliance, delayed making the necessary repairs, which delayed the payment from the lawyers. It was just one thing after the other, but a bit more than a week before the due date, the lawyers paid the money into his bank account.

  2. I have also been re-reading PM and studying the bible on trusting Him and not being fearful. I have made a “highlight” document from chapters of PM, the bible, and a couple other books and whenever I start to feel anxiety creeping, I pull it up and remind myself. One of the paragraphs from PM I like to use as a reminder is this one:

    “If you and I can believe that what Jesus did for us is enough to cover our salvation, and maybe a few other areas of our life, then why not believe Him for everything, including our financial needs, wants, and even our desires because it says that He longs to give them to us? Do you believe that He only covered most of your sins, but not all of them? Then how could He possibly not provide all you need financially, especially when He also says,

    “Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who long for Him” (Isaiah 30:18).”

    It has not been easy for my flesh because I have always been the financial provider but I am trusting my Beloved and trying to “Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions… P4:25 MSG

    Thank you for this praise/post. I would love if others would comment or post on financial testimonies that the Lord has brought them through.

    1. Hope this is what changed things for me like you it was not just a case of reading PM l also had to write down scriptures and parts that l read to meditate and renew my mind. I love the portion that you shared ♄ and l would also love to hear more of these praise in financial testimonies 💕

  3. My sweet what a great journey!! We must speak hope and trust in our lives, because we are putting HIM FIRST SO WE MUST TRUST NOW!!
    Thank you for sharing!

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