Reap a Bountiful đŸŒŸHarvest.

For us to produce a Bountiful Harvest, we have to get plowed. Our hard hearts needs to be plowed to give us a 💓 of flesh and we must receive a new spirit "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; "I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." (E3626)

My Beloved

June 13

“For, behold, I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you will be cultivated and sown” (Ezek. 36:9).

Beloved, oh, how painful the plow blade! Through this trial you have felt God pierce through the tough, hard ground in your life. You cry out in pain as He plows along row after row. It is not just this area that has gone hard, but every area of your life. Yet, Beloved, He is not doing so just to leave this turned soil bare, but He has plans for it—plans for good, for a future. Once every corner has been pierced through and turned up, then He will plant seeds for the harvest, seeds of promises that He will plant into your heart. Gentle showers will water what has been planted, and as in all fields that yield much, we can expect rain, rain, and more rain. The trials may pour, but all are intended to water what has been planted.

Yet, Beloved, so small is the tiny green shoot that begins to emerge just there in the dirt: new life—tender, fragile, but new. More rain, more sun, and it grows. Soon there are fields where once there was hard, worthless soil. Soon there will be a harvest that will help feed the hungry, the downhearted, the faint.

Allow the blade to turn up the hard soil of your heart. Welcome the rains that will continue to moisten the soil turned. Do not fear the storms that will come. Do not minimize the tiny tender shoot. Because in due season, if you faint not, you will reap a bountiful harvest.

4 thoughts on “Reap a Bountiful đŸŒŸHarvest.”

  1. I love this devotions dear Adina, it is put so perfectly because when we are in pain, it does feel like a blade that went through our hearts, but so needed for the new hearts we received.

    1. I can only thank and praise my Husband for taking me on this journey and to receive His make-over. Going through hurt and pain can so easily make our hearts even harder or make us bitter, but He led us here to be placed on the Potter’s wheel and to get new hearts of flesh and a new spirit.

  2. What a beautiful illustration. There is always a purpose. Muscle fibres need to tear to grow as well. Thanks for sharing Adina x

    1. Yes, it is beautiful and we have to go through this process, no matter how painful, to change us and make us new vessels for His glory and to be used by Him.

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